Thursday, January 28, 2010

::: poem from my ex-boy :::

aiii...bwh ni adalah luahan hati dripada ex ak sblum kitorg coup sweet die pnye poem..ak suke...dier ltk dlm skang xde dh..gee~~..sje jew nk kongsi ngn korg...bkn bermksud ape2...just want to share with u all...heee~~..enjoy this poem..heee~~

u want to know about me?
actually i juz same with others people..
have 2 eyes..
2 ears..
2 hands..
2 legs..
bleh dktkn kbnykknnye 2lh sng..
tetapi...awek stuje..uhuu

here i would like to share something about my experience
after i found a special person accidently..

I once saw a girl with perfect brown eyes..
It wasn't just the size but..
the color of her soul reflected so hard that my heart almost stopped beating..
I wanted a second meeting..
I stopped eating for days cause the unforgettable
face always was on my mind..
I wonder why my heart was so kind..
Her body was
like watching a million stars crashing..
my mind was just seconds from collapsing..
I cant breath..
I cant think..
I cant see..
but still I wonder how itwould be..
Worlds are becoming small and I finding myself hitting the wall..
She smells like a endless smell of roses that none of this earth has smelled before that I adore..
I suddenly thought is this real or is it just a silly dream..
it all seem soclear but why isent she here..
I start to fear..
is the end near..
will I wake up and see life as it is..
I'll never forget her wherever she goes..
whatever she does..
Cause she is worth dying for, or living without...
its no doubt..
I have found my angel on earth..

taufik a.k.a bok_ku

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


to readers...
ak suke gler lagu sweet~~~...i fallin in love with this song...i admire that singer...die ad suara like a little girl...heee~~~
to all...enjoy this song...i specially dedicated this song to all of u...heee~~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

...bestfriend 4 eVa...

Through tears and fights,
Through smiles, I knew everything
Would be alright,
Through love and hate,
Through betrayal and debate,
For you I would always have faith,
Being your sister as well as your
Best friend I knew
This friendship wouldn't end,
By your side I would always stand
And you'll stand by mine too,
Because that’s what best friends do,
So no matter what happens with us
In life,
Through all of the wrongs
And all of the rights,
I’m here for you to be a best friend that’s true,
Cause I love you and that’s what
Best friends do.

...jln2 g MIDVALLEY...

hehe...allo...ahad lepas ak ngn member kuar g midvalley with abg n his new girlfren...waa...kirenyer mcm nk jmpe bakal kakak ipar la...haha~~ ler pic abg ak ngn aweknyer..kak edalya majid...comelkan...nme ayah pun dh serupa...mybe 2 sbb abg ak ske kot..hoho...dnt knw...pas di kaji2..they can be a cute couple..hehe~~ jgk jln2 ngn dorg wlapun ak asyk ditinggalkn...hahaa~~...sblum ngok wayang..mkn ler dlu~~...not my fav place...McD...ak suke KFC...bru kenyang...haha...mkn bubur ngn aym mcchicken...klu burger jew...huh!..xknyang ak..hua3~~..

kitorg tgk wyng ni

+ TOOTH FAIRY + gler negok cte ni...asyk2 duk tergelak jew...hehe..ak suke ngok cte klu 'the rock' funny...enjoy gler~~kwn ak sorg ni dh la suka gelak kuat...huhuu...~~

haaaa...minah ni ler...

jgn tertipu ngn rupe...dh ler ckp kuat + gelak kuat...hehe~~...blh gegar bgunn...hua3~~~...sory pja...heee~~

lastly...pas jln2 kat mph...ingt nk bli novel bi..but stu pe pun xbli..haha...ak bli bju jew....~~ak amik gmbr ngn kak edalya...hehe...comel tul kitorg...hehee..perasan~~

so cute~~~haha...

2 b cont...

Monday, January 25, 2010

...4 the first time...

ermmm...ak skang ni ngah wat prac kat putrajaya..waaaa...happy pun ad..borink pun ad...sleepy pun ad...heee...coz..klu happy sbb ak dpt prac at my dream place (MaCGDI)...huhuu~~..borink sbb kdg2 ad kje..kdg2 x...n the last one sleepy...coz ak ni mmg kaki tido...hua3~~

ak amik dip sains geomatikk sis. mak.geografi aka GIS..tau kew??..hehe...ak pun x reti nk xplain cne...hua3~~...dlu asyk bjemur jew smpi jd black..tkut tgk muke sndri...haha...skang ni ak duk dlm opis jew ler msenyer nk ptih kan blik muka...xtau ler jd ke x...hehe~~

kat bwh ni ler tmpt ak wat prac skang..huhuu~~...SCARY!!..hehe..

tp ape2 pun...enjoy and happy duk sni...hehe..wat mse skang..kot lah...i dnt knw....hehe..
to be continued...daaa....geee~~

+ xoxo_caterpillarpuppet +

..aku disini..

salam...aii smua...i'm yanna n i new here..heee~~

ermmm....xtau nk describe mcm mne psl dri ak ni...ak sorg prmpuan biasa n normal..still lg stdy..hua3~~~


I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.